Mainstay Independent
Philadelphia, PA
If it hasn’t reached market saturation, the craft brewing universe is close to it, but quality participants are always going to rise to the top. When VFC was tapped to develop an identity for a new offering—in the well known spot of a former brewery—we gathered stakeholder objectives to formulate criteria, execute research and present name and identity rationale for the startup. Mainstay Independent was selected and VFC set about developing a compelling personality for the brand.
As Mainstay Independent evolved as a company, VFC advanced the brand image and message, supporting an aggressive launch and ongoing marketing. The brewery opened a tasting room and staged several impressive events while Craft Hall gets organized, at which point, Mainstay will supply all of the fresh beer and transition into a production brewery for a competitive market.

Much of VFC’s role with an ambitious startup is problem solving—devising creative methods for the best results with big visions and limited time and resources.
Because a lot of Mainstay Independent was temporary, we had to act fast, but be prepared for everything to transition to a permanent brewery. While working as fast as possible to realize product, open doors and generally go-to market, VFC simultaneously attempted to meet criteria and establish a compelling and professional standard that positions Mainstay Independent as a competitor in a crowded space.
”VFC helped us define what we were looking for in a brand so that when we started brainstorming with them we already had an idea of who and what we were trying to be.
Brian O’ReillyManaging Partner / Brewmaster

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